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Descriptive essay topics list

Descriptive essay topics list

When writing a descriptive essay, your main objective is to clear the topic in the reader's mind. You may also refer descriptive essay topics list our descriptive essay topics list to find the topic you like. Tweets by SolidEssay. Describe an item that will be in each household twenty years from now If one of the topics above caught your fancy, but there is no sample, don't despair. Describe all the excitement and difficulties.

Descriptive Essay Topics

Descriptive essays are such type of written assignments which deal with impressions, memories, descriptive essay topics list, imaginable situations, feelings, psychological associations, etc. Students descriptive essay topics list writing descriptive essays because they allow for almost unrestricted freedom of choosing means of expression. Besides, descriptive essays do not require too much theorizing or reading descriptive essay topics list on the given topic. The following list of top descriptive essay topics are only examples of what you can write about. You can easily modify them or transform according to your own feelings and plan.

This section provides possible topics for a descriptive essay related to your favorite things you might enjoy doing or to your first impressions regarding specific events. My favorite movie Describe its plot and your favourite episode in the movie. The book I love the most Write about your favorite book - a novel, a volume of essays, scientific monograph, etc. Do you have a hard copy of it at home? The house of my dreams Here you need to use your imagination for the most part, descriptive essay topics list. Try not only to describe the exterior and interior of the house, but also the feelings related to it.

My best friend Who is your best friend and why? Do you remember the first time you met? My first trip overseas Where did you go and when? What had you expected before the trip started? What was the most important thing you still remember? My first love This is another topic for a descriptive essay which can be exciting. Make sure to write an essay and not a short diary of your romantic feelings. The concert which I will never forget You have perhaps attended many concerts but which one will stay in your memory forever? If you belong to the Millennium generation, this descriptive essay topic will not be suitable for you; in any other case, you can write about your first feelings and experiences while dealing with the internet.

My favourite music style What exactly do you like about this style? What feelings, associations you have while listening to it? My first tears of joy Strangely, but sometimes happiness is expressed with tears. What happened and when? My first flight Many people say they were afraid before boarding the plane for the first time. Did you have the same feeling? What did you feel while looking at the earth from above? My longest trip Not everyone likes long journeys. Did you have the same feeling and where did you go to? These descriptive essay topic ideas are related to your observation skills.

Here you can write not only about things you have experienced but also about objects and things which you have seen only on TV. For example, an essay on the first topic can tell your personal story but it can also be based on your imagination. The most exciting cruise Have you traveled across the sea? Tell your reader about your experience. The most beautiful place on earth Is it a city, a town, a mountain or a volcano? What did you feel like when you were there? Or if you have never been there, what captures your mind and makes you plan to go there? Top 10 destinations in Europe Which is your favourite top 10 list?

Think not only in terms of cities, but also places or countries. The most attractive places in Asia Tell what you think about Asia and its beauties, descriptive essay topics list. The wonders of Australia and New Zealand Is Australia only Sydney? Is New Zealand only the land where The Lord of the Rings has been shot? A space journey Go to an imaginable journey through space - through solar systems and galaxies. Where would you go? This descriptive essay topic is a little bit philosophical, descriptive essay topics list. The beauty of the starry sky Describe your feelings associated with the observation of the stars, descriptive essay topics list. What can an astronaut see?

Have you asked yourself what an astronaut can see from the International Space Station? A Himalayan expedition Imagine you are a part of such an expedition. Describe all the excitement and difficulties. An adventure in the Andes Nature, history and mysteries - they all inhabit these lands. Try your imagination, or describe your real experience, descriptive essay topics list. Iceland - another world One of the most mysterious countries in the world, Iceland is famous for its volcanoes, geysers and Descriptive essay topics list Lights. The Northern Lights and their beauty Have you ever seen the Northern Lights?

Maybe you have watched a TV documentary about it? Share your thoughts and feelings. Canadian White nights Have you ever been to Canada during the White nights? What is it like to observe them? A seaman: one day on a ship How a seaman feels while being on a ship? How does it feel to be far away from home? In the heart of Africa What is it like to go on a safari, or to see a lion standing not very far from you? These descriptive essay topics deal with important events descriptive essay topics list persons from the world descriptive essay topics list. You need to have some knowledge about these topics in order to write a good descriptive paper.

Julius Caesar: the legendary commander What was so remarkable about this man? Napoleon: the king of Europe What did Napoleon want and what he eventually achieved? The Mayflower - the Voyage of hope It is one of the most important events in descriptive essay topics list history. Can we say that this was the Voyage of Hope? The common Americans and the War of Independence How was this important war perceived by the common Americans? What is war like? The tragedy of Pearl Harbor One of the most devastating battles in our history.

Why was Pearl Harbor important for America and what were its consequences? Do you have a family story related to it? The most important event in our history What is it according to you? Describe it and say what influence it has had on America. A visit to the historical museum What can one see in such a museum? Here you can describe your own experience. A lesson of history - a lesson of life Is it true that school is always detached from real life? Can a history lesson be identified with a lesson of life and descriptive essay topics list life? A pirate of the Caribbean What was the life of such a pirate like? Would you do something similar? This section comprises descriptive essay topics which are more reflective and introversive.

The topics are abstract because thus you will be descriptive essay topics list to find your own approach better. A warm winter evening Imagine it - maybe a scene from your childhood, or an evening with your own children. A hot summer day Summer is the favourite season of many people. What do you associate with it? One day in school What is it like to be in your school for one day? What happens during classes and around the school? A Christmas story What do you associate with Christmas? Have you ever felt the spirit of Christmas and how?

An exciting picnic with my parents Did you go out in the mountain with your parents? What was it like? One day at the seaside Is staying at the seaside your favourite moment in life? What do you do then? My favourite pet What is your favourite pet and what memories do you have related to it? Here you will find some hints which can guide you through your descriptive essay. Use your imagination. These topics for descriptive essay are very abstract. A children movie Why have you chosen exactly this movie? What do you associate it with?

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Then collect the necessary information and make a list of sensory details about it. Before writing your essay, you should also think about your thesis statement, which is a single sentence that presents the main idea of an essay. Remember that it should be concise and convincing. The introduction should set the scene and context for the subject you are going to describe. For example, you can use an interesting metaphor or description of a feeling. Be creative! You can also ask your readers a rhetorical question, encouraging them to use their imagination.

For instance, if you are writing an essay about nature, you could ask your readers to imagine how it feels like to wake up in the woods, breathe fresh air, and hear the birds singing. Such a technique will definitely leave a good impression on your readers. Moreover, if you have chosen your topic among funny descriptive essay topics , you can start your essay with a joke or a funny story. In body paragraphs, you elaborate on the idea stated in the introduction. To make them more informative, use topic sentences at the beginning of each section.

It is best to present an idea first, and then back it up with some evidence. Make sure to use smooth transitions; this way, your essay will sound better. In the conclusion part, try to rewrite your thesis statement and the main argument highlighting the key points. The goal of a conclusion is to sum up the whole essay, but it should not repeat the ideas word to word. To leave a lasting impression, you may also tell your readers a short story, a joke, or make a call to action. There is always a chance that teachers will decide to give their students a descriptive essay as an assignment. Here are some good descriptive essay topics for high school students:.

College students might get a descriptive essay as an assignment as well. Even if young people do not like writing, such paper is a great chance for them to review their experience, remember some moments, and just reflect on important things in their lives. Get the most out of your college assignments because they might bring surprising results! Memories are sometimes the most precious thing we have, and they bring us happiness as well as sadness. Memories help us learn from our past, as we can ponder over the things we have done or situations that have happened to us so that we won't make the same mistakes again.

Here are great descriptive essay topics about memories and associations:. You may not find your daily routine interesting because you are used to it, but actually, it may turn out that your day-to-day activities hide more great moments than you thought. Writing about your daily and weekly routine will help you take a look on your life from another perspective and start enjoying every moment of it, even if it's just a morning coffee or a conversation with your friends. Here is a list of descriptive essay topics about daily life:. Sometimes you understand that you feel tired or exhausted and have no desire to write about anything complicated.

And the only thing you want is to ask for homework help online. Writing can be a form of relaxation too. If you want to write about something nice and not complicated, here is a list of descriptive essay topics for those who need some time to relieve stress. These ideas can also be used as short descriptive essay topics:. Sometimes things that can inspire us are just in front of our eyes. It can be a book or a place where we are at the moment… literally anything. Just look around, and you will see that inspiration is everywhere. Here are some descriptive essay topics ideas about places and objects that surround you:.

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Home Blog about Writing Tips Academic writing Descriptive Essay Topics. Descriptive Essay Topics Essay paper writing Academic writing. How to write a descriptive essay Start with choosing a subject, event, or emotion you want to describe. Descriptive essay topics for high school students There is always a chance that teachers will decide to give their students a descriptive essay as an assignment. Here are some good descriptive essay topics for high school students: Describe how it feels to come to high school for the first time and meet your new classmates How do you imagine yourself in 5 years: how will your appearance change, are you at university or do you have a job?

Describe the best book you have ever read that influenced your views Describe a classroom of your favorite teacher What is the best gift that you have ever received in your life? Describe your daily routine and what you do before and after school What would your ideal weekend look like? Describe your friends. Are they your age? Do you go to school together? How do they look like? Do you share the same interests? Describe your childhood and toys you liked to play with Descriptive essay topics for college students College students might get a descriptive essay as an assignment as well. Do you make a specific list of tasks or just do everything that comes to mind? Describe your first day as a student.

What were your expectations from college and what turned out to be true? Describe a hobby you enjoy in your free time. Why do you like it and how much time do you dedicate to it? What is the most embarrassing day of your life? How did you feel that day? Describe the food that you love the most. Learn More. Limited Time Only! Best Descriptive Essay Topics to Choose From for Your Essay Home » Blog »Best Descriptive Essay Topics to Choose From for Your Essay. Check out this blog now if you are looking for some interesting descriptive essay topics. Contents What is a Descriptive Essay? Tips for Choosing a Descriptive Essay Topic Descriptive Essay Topics for Students Descriptive Essay Topics for Different Grades Miscellaneous Descriptive Essay Topics.

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