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Essay on gun laws

Essay on gun laws

It does not matter how long Hoeltzer had the artwork, it is still the property of the city, essay on gun laws. In Pre-Brady states the adult homicide rate increased in essay on gun laws decreased in and References Barber, Benjamin R. Panic in the Year Zero. Rainey, H. It was printed in Criminal Justice Ethics Journal in It would also be highly recommended that there are designated buffer zones between the convention and any designated First Amendment Zones.

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The stick was federal prosecution carrying long sentences with no parole in faraway prisons; the carrot was meetings where offenders were offered help getting shelter, job training and education. In many instances, individuals revert to gun violence when they believe themselves to be at a point of no hope Chapman, The action plan therefore, will focus on providing job training, and education to allow individuals to become better members of society. This ultimately will reduce their reliance on weaponry as they now have "something to lose. This approach would not only produce more arrests of felons and teens but also strongly discourage them from carrying weapons Baker, The incentive in this instance is twofold. One, those who are aware of illegal action…. References: 1.

Ozanne-Smith, J;, K Ashby, S Newstead, VZ Stathakis and a Clapperton. Chapman, S;, Alpers, P. And Jones, M. Australia: a massive buyback of low-risk guns. Evaluating Essay on gun laws Policy: Effects on Crime and Violence. The Brookings Institution, Washington. Gun Laws Cost-benefit Analysis: Cost enefit Analysis CA is the method with the help of which the answer to the question of "did the spending serve its purpose? It is an analytical process of measuring the utility of an interventional process or ways and methods of reaching and objective. In the domain of crime prevention, the programs carried out are subjected to this analysis among others by the Australian government and others to look at the efficacy of the designed and implemented policies.

Amongst the first in the world to put the policies through this rigor are the governments of American and United Kingdom. In Australia, the method has been seen to make inroads in recent times and is not as prevalent as in the aforementioned countries Dossetor, To cite an example, Gun control in the United States has been an issue of debate for quite some…. Bibliography Beder, S. Costing the Earth: Equity, Sustainable Development and Environmental Economics. New Zealand Journal of Environmental Law, 4, html Cohen, M. The cost of mental health care for victims of crime. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 13, Cohen, M. Measuring the costs and benefits of crime and justice, in LaFree G, essay on gun laws, Measurement and analysis of crime and justice.

Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice, U. Department of Justice Cohen, M. Willingness to- pay for crime control programs. Criminology, 42 1 Public Administration: Gun Laws The disturbing images of distraught children and staff members at the Sandy Hook Elementary School scampering for safety as a gunman who had calmly made his way into the school compound shot indiscriminately, killing 26 innocent persons, among them 20 children are still vivid, almost three years after the incident. This was not even the first incident of mass gun violence in the country -- approximately 36 similar mass shooting incidences were reported nation-wide between and In the past, numerous policies directed at regulating gun use, possession, and commerce, have been enacted at the federal….

References GAO. Gun Control: Sharing Promising Practices and Assessing Incentives could Better Position Justice to Assist States in Providing Records for Background Checks. United States Government Accountability Office GAO. pdf Goss, K. Disarmed: The Missing Movement for Gun Control in America, essay on gun laws. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Kates, D. Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder and Suicide? Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, 30 2 Kwon, I. The Effectiveness of Gun-Control Laws: Multivariate Statistical Analysis. American Journal of Economics and Sociology, essay on gun laws, 56 1 In the U. Indeed, among all modern nations, the U. stands out for its gun laws for a number of reasons. Compared to England, where guns are banned, the U. is practically the Wild West, where virtually anyone can get a gun it seems.

While that is not exactly true, as there essay on gun laws a number of checks that are in…. Gun laws. Constitution Amend. hile sweeping gun laws are required to improve America's issue of gun violence, evidence from Obama's attempts suggest that only gradual and small degrees of regulatory change will be capable of passing through a divided legislative branch. This literature demonstrates that even a public administrative force such as the executive branch must face power limitations. The very premise of the United States government is that the three branches work in coordination with one another to ensure to no singular ideological vision comes to dominate a nation founded on plurality. Accordingly, in many locales, rising populations in immigrant communities, essay on gun laws, various shifts in settling patterns related to….

Works Cited: Barrett, T. Senate Rejects Expanded Gun Background Checks. Denhardt, R. Public Administration: An Action Orientation. Wadsworth Publishing. Rainey, H. Understanding and Managing Public Organizations 4rd ED. Wiley Publishing. NCSL, p. According to the NCSL, these states are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, hode Island, essay on gun laws, South Dakota, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and West Virginia. As the NCSL reports, "due to recent state legislation and court rulings, 5 states now have provisions allowing the carrying of concealed weapons on public postsecondary campuses. These states are Colorado, Mississippi, Oregon, essay on gun laws, Utah, and Wisconsin.

As students, educators and…. Resources: Frosch, D. University is Uneasy as Court Ruling Allows Guns on Campus. The New York Times. Jervis, R. State Lawmakers Push for Guns on Campuses. USA Today. National Conference of State Legislatures NCSL. Guns on Campus: Overview. Guns The recent school shooting in Oakland, California draws attention to the importance of the issue of guns on college campuses. A ban on carrying concealed weapons on college campuses is problematic for several reasons. One, it violates state laws regarding the right to essay on gun laws concealed weapons. Two, it leaves students defenseless against terrorists like the Oakland shooter.

Three, essay on gun laws, it sends the message that greater gun awareness and gun safety training are not important. The State of Texas must rule that college campuses are not exempt from concealed weapons laws; eligible students must have the right to carry concealed weapons. Texas is not the only state contending with the issue of how to address campus rules related to concealed weapons. School shootings have happened in many different states, making the issue of self-defense critical to address immediately. Colorado's state Supreme Court recently ruled: "the University of Colorado overstepped its authority….

References Coffman, K. Colorado court says students can carry guns on campus. Mar 5, Shooting highlights essay on gun laws of gun-free schools. Students for Concealed Carry. htm exclude. Guns on Campus Essay on gun laws STUDENTS BE ABLE TO CAY GUNS ON CAMPUS? Of all the places in the world, one would think that the collage is the safest place for a student to be and sometimes it is not. In this paper it will be discussed whether students should be allowed to carry concealed weapons to college. The advantages of allowing students to carry a concealed weapon will be discussed and why Gun Free Zones do not work.

making a thesis statement for an essay

Additionally, these zones must be away from any other public areas. If they are too close to public areas, like malls, they may inadvertently disrupt the flow of the public and endanger passersby. There are also recommendations for general policy of the possible disruption of protest groups at the DNC event. If officers were to commence in disrupting the protest groups, it would be absolutely necessary to show they were acting in accordance with the misdemeanor violation of Section Essentially, this would mean that officers would have to prove more than three individuals were acting in a way to disturb the peace, rather than to peacefully assemble. It is true, "no actual breach of peace needs to take place" Unlawful Assembly Dispersal Order.

References Independent Review Panel. The Free Trade Area of the Americas FTAA Inquiry Report. Opponents of gun control became more proactive and in after the capture of NA leader, they began to harm the reputation of the GCA officers and executives. They aimed to scare the gun owners into thinking that they will be harassed and prosecuted for possessing guns. Opponents of gun control pushed the Carter administration to remove the proposals which aimed at changing the execution of the laws. After this was done they became even more proactive in their campaign Vizzard, ; In and , the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms was called in for Hearings in the Senate after they sidestepped Congress to trigger a change in policy utilizing executive power.

While the federal administration had influenced this strategy on not only the treasury but also the ATF, they rapidly backed out from the ATF and dumped the strategy as they saw strong resistance Vizzard, ;…. References Barber, Benjamin R. Strong Democracy: Participatory Politics for a New Age. Berkeley: University of California Press. Bruce-Biggs, B. The Great American Gun War. The Public Interest. Cobb, Roger W. And Charles D. Elder, Participation in American Politics: The Dynamics of Agenda-Building. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Davidson, Osha Gray, Under Fire: The NRA and the Battle for Gun Control. New York: Henry Holt. Circuit Court of Appeals to reaffirm restrictive gun laws since the Second Amendment was not infringed by a law that requires firearm owners to demonstrate proper cause Nimmo par, 2.

The unanimous decision by the three-judge panel was regarded as a victory for the New York State law, the American constitution, and families throughout New York who are appropriately concerned regarding the plight of gun violence that is a major problem to all communities. There are various groups in the gun industry such as the Second Amendment Foundation and the National Rifle Association have been filing cases against cities and states throughout the country on the basis of the Second Amendment of the U. The ruling re-affirming restrictive gun control laws has followed the significant increase in the number of the sale of guns. Gun Control Laws in Other States: Generally, crime rates associated with gun violence have….

Works Cited: "Banning Assault Weapons - a Legal Primer for State and Local Action. Legal Community Against Violence, Aug. Baynes, Terry, Eddie Evans, and Todd Eastham. Thomson Reuters, 27 Nov. Garrett, Ben. com - Civil Liberties. Gius, Mark. gun control, including counter arguments. Owning a gun is much more than just a statement about this country's Constitution and Second Amendment rights. Owning a gun is a measure of protection and freedom that illustrates the principles this country's founders created, and it is a right that Americans should not take for granted. Gun control is not a suitable method for controlling crime, and it has not been proven to help control violent crime. First, it is imperative to define what "gun control" means, because it can mean different things to different people.

Clearly, with such a broad definition, and differing meanings, gun control cannot be easily measured or understood, which is one of…. References Beachler, D. Militias and segregationists: The politics of low turnout elections in the United States. Fact sheet: Stolen guns. Moorhouse, J. Does gun control reduce crime or does crime increase gun control? Payne, B. Gun control attitudes and the criminal justice student: Do differences exist? gun control. They counter argumnents I invalidated Counter Arguments Violation Second Amendment Right Gun control laws directly violate a citizen's bear arms granted amendment constitution. There is much controversy with regard to gun-control laws and to the effect they have on society in general. hile individuals in the U. In particular have been accustomed to living in a gun culture, more and more people have started to express doubt with regard to pro-gun laws and to whether or not they help the masses feel safer.

The government has attempted to introduce a series of gun laws in recent years with the purpose of controlling the general public and in order to make it more difficult for potential criminals to get their hands on firearms. Works cited: Carter, Greg Lee. Americans' Safety: an Outline of the Need for Increased Federal Gun Legislation. Proposition Non-Sense Crime Drugs: A Policy Guide Proposition Attempts to ban the possession of handguns, or certain kinds of guns, are not a viable option for reducing crime. According to sociologist Samuel Walker: "People intent upon committing a crime are particularly motivated to obtain a gun.

In short, it is not very efficient or sensible to try to control ownership of guns by the public at large when the real problem is the behavior of a very small part of the population -- violent criminals" Walker This statement is problematic for a number of reasons. First of all, many individuals who do not intend to commit crimes still do so as a result of crimes of passion. Having a gun involved in a highly emotional situation almost invariably raises the ante of confrontation. Although they might not intend to commit a crime, the crime happens by virtue….

References Background: CAP. Smart Gun Laws. Retrieved from:. Many see gun control as a controversial topic that has sparked much debate. This gun control essay can offer ways to examine this topic from both the pro and against sides. By detailing the pros and cons of gun control, you will be able to see the impact on society. These examples include recent changes in laws, news stories associated with gun violence, and what other countries do about this highly debated subject. Examining a topic from both sides, it offers a deeper and richer understanding that cannot be achieved from one-sided analysis.

Body A. Background B. Understanding Gun Control C. Gun violence in America has always been a great concern to communities, families and law enforcement officials. But in recent years gun violence has received a great deal more publicity and public concern because of the mass shootings -- particularly in schools -- that the media focuses on in great detail. In other words, a law-abiding family living in a quiet small town in Vermont is impacted emotionally when a gunman enters a school in California or Connecticut and murders innocent children. This paper identifies recent trends in mass shootings, potential laws that would attempt to keep guns out of the hands of mentally disturbed and violent individuals, and how the National Rifle Association NRA uses unethical tactics to promote its paranoid obsession that government is out to take guns away from law-abiding gun owners.

Recent Mass Shootings Of the many gruesome mass killings that have been reported on television…. Works Cited Castillo, Marianne. Cohen, Amy P. And these issues have received a great deal of media attention and hence are worthy of research. This paper reviews gun violence in the U. and in the UK, and gun laws that are in place and those that should be in place. Mass shootings and gun violence in the U. In the United States, as of October 1, , there have been mass shootings a mass shooting is defined as one in which four or more people were killed or injured by a gun , and 45 of those occurred at schools BBC. again, up to October 1 9, people have been killed in "gun incidents," and 20, people…. Works Cited BBC.

Oregon shooting: Statistics behind 'routine' U. gun violence. Brattleboro Reformer. Our Opinion: Guns, money, and simplistic assumptions. Casciani, D. Gun control and ownership laws in the UK. Gun Control In light of events like Sandy Hood, Columbine, the Charleston church shooting, the on-air shooting of two reports in Virginia and many others, gun control is a topic that has remained a topic that is ever-present in the twenty-four hour news cycle of modern day America. Further, there are several cities right now that are the sites of some major and protracted gun violence.

This violence and depravity is to the extent that some people assert that gun violence is a public health issue. The author of this report will answer that question and will also speak to the ways in which gun purchases can be limited and regulated given the presence of the Second Amendment. While gun violence is certainly an issue that involves health, it is primarily a crime and punishment issue and should be dealt with as such. Analysis As easily discernible from the question…. References Ernst, A. Why does Chicago have so many illegal guns?. html Volokh, E. A rare Second Amendment exemption from federal ban on felons possessing guns. Washington Post. Gun Control Definition of the Problem Gun Control In America as well as other parts of the world, the role played by guns in committing violent acts, and what must be done in this regard, is a hotly debated topic.

However, some facts are incontestable. Over 31, individuals sustained gunshot injuries in the year , in America. As these victims are mostly youths, gun violence can be considered as one among the primary reasons for premature deaths in the U. Apart from mortal wounds, there were, in the same year, approximately , non-fatal acts of violence perpetrated with the use of guns; emergency departments of American hospitals received 73, cases of nonfatal wounds made by guns. The economic and social costs associated with gun violence are also huge, in the U. Webster, However, ironically, in spite of gun violence's colossal impact, a majority of public discussions in regard to….

Bibliography Cook, P. The Economic Journal, F -- F Hood, M. Citizen, defend thyself: an individual-level analysis of concealed weapon permit holders. Criminal Justice Studies, 22 1 , Kates, D. WOULD BANNING FIREARMS REDUCE MURDER AND SUICIDE? Kopel, D. THE IDEOLOGY OF GUN OWNERSHIP AND GUN CONTROL IN THE UNITED STATES. Quarterly Journal of Ideology. Guns Control Gun control Gun control is a law or policy passed with the aim of limiting the possession and use of guns or firearms by private citizens.

Gun and firearm control have been a subject of extensive debate in the U. The establishment of a balance between the personal rights of individuals to own and the government's commitment to maintain law and order has proved a tricky affair. The ownership of firearms and guns is an integral part in the culture and identity of the American people. The origin of gun possession can be traced to the west where the locals had to arm themselves to protect themselves from the Indians, enemies and wild animals. Consequently, the American citizens armed themselves for personal defense and as part of their culture. Additionally, guns are common in hunting, both leisure and for food and have since become a sport in the…. References "Would Guns Control Reduce Suicides?.

Academic Search Complete. Cook, Philip J. Gorman, Linda, and David B. Grier, Peter. voters support? Method Participants In the examination of the aspect of gun ownership, the research adopted the concept of qualitative research method. This is because the study focuses on the examination of social problem in the United States. Data was collected through administration of the questions to approximately participants. Materials The main aim of the process was to adopt an effective and accurate comparison between the research hypotheses and the available data. This indicates that the study's focus was on the determination of correlation between the dependent variables: age, gender, and income and independent variable: gun possession in the United States.

esearch questions were formulated in accordance with the three hypotheses in order to achieve accurate and reliable data vital for quality and effective conclusion. Procedure In order to analyze the available data, the data was integrated into Statistical Package for the Social Sciences SPSS. This was essential in the achievement…. References James D. September 13, asp Greene, E. Granny, don't get your gun: competency issues in gun ownership by older adults. But the logic behind the analogy is sound. When my peer says that without human intervention guns do not kill people, he is ignoring the fact that free availability of guns may allow some crazy people to kill others although without guns they might not have been able to kill anyone.

My peer's statement that a gun "is just a tool like any other" again is technically correct but simplistic. A gun is a much more powerful weapon than a pocket knife. The crazy person who tried to assassinate President Reagan would have had far lesser chances of attacking the President with a pocket knife, for example. The availability of guns makes it easier to kill others. My peer's analogy with the use of machete in Rwanda actually weakens his argument. Again, it is technically true that the machetes did not kill people, but people with machetes did. But one…. Hence, while ratifying the U. Constitution, the Virginia convention passed a resolution specifying: "That the people have a right to keep and bear arms; that a well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state;" It is, therefore, clear that the central issue that led to the adoption of the Second Amendment, as part of the Bill of Rights -- ratified in , was the concern that the powers granted in the U.

Constitution to the Congress over the militia and a national army may be used to abrogate state sovereignty and power, rather than a desire to recognize the right for bearing arms by individual citizens. Nowhere in the background and history of the introduction of the Second Amendment in the U. Constitution do we find the issue of personal use of weapons, for purposes…. Works Cited Economic Costs of Gun Violence. October 31, pdf Firearm Facts. rime rates do not drop with restrictions on gun control because crimes have been shown to be intent driven rather than means driven.

Which simply means that those who are interested in committing crimes will usually do so given any access or restrictions standards? It is evident from this analysis that guns have little impact upon crime rates. However, gun control advocacies use misinformation to present a dangerous position to the public. Another important factor in media manipulation is the use of specific misinformation to influence public opinion to support severity within gun legislation. Popular gun control advocacies use strong statistics to influence the public into perceiving that gun control is not only needed, but that gun violence is an escalating crime that needs to provide greater security mandates.

Oftentimes they use deceiving statistics as a means to manipulate public opinion on the prevalence of firearms. For instance, the Brady…. Counting Guns, Randolph Roth. Social Science History winter Would Banning Firearms reduce Murder and Suicide? A Review of international evidence, Gary a. Bepress Legal Series paper Shooting down the more guns, less crime hypothesis, John J. Center for the study of law and society Jurisprudence and social policy program. Gun egulation The Need for Gun Control to Stop the Violence Sandy Hook Elementary was a sad scene, one which hit at the heart of most Americans. It is a scene that we all wish to have never repeated. With so many outburst of violence around the United States using heavy machinery and advanced firearms, Congress needs to instill greater regulation of guns, especially more dangerous weapons like automatic weapons and riffles.

This does not mean that Congress should ban such guns, as such would be a violation of the Second Amendment, but it is clear that these dangerous weapons need to be regulated in order to make sure they do not continue to end up in the wrong hands and continue to cause tragedies across the United States. Despite a strong connotation that Americans should have free range in regards to their weapons under the Second Amendment, recent tragedies…. References Calabresi, Massimo. Gun Control Policies. Both purposes mean that they were used to kill human beings. By comparison, long guns served many purposes. Early settlers often had to hunt for their food. To take their guns would mean that they would risk starvation.

They were also used for defense, and early skirmishes of the Revolutionary War were fought by militiamen - private citizens who brought their own long guns to fight the British. One of the strongest arguments against laws restricting handguns come from those who believe there should be no restrictions whatsoever on firearms. They argue that those who argue against handguns have a hidden agenda. They argue that people against handguns actually want to ban all guns for all purposes, including for target practice and hunting. They feel that they must fight restrictions on any guns to protect their Constitutional right to bear arms.

However, this argument doesn't make sense to most people. According to gun control advocates, crime should be extraordinary, but this simply is not the case. In fact, the exact opposite is true. Switzerland has far less crime per capita than the United States and almost no gun crime. ased on this example, Kopel correctly concludes that there is no direct link between the level of citizen gun ownership and the level of gun misuse. Then there's the case of Kennesaw, Georgia where crime dropped after a law that requires its citizens to own guns passed. Lieutenant Craig Graydon, Kennesaw Police Department comments, "Well, after the city ordinance passed, there was actually a decrease in reported crime in the Kennesaw area, especially violent crime.

Last, but certainly not least, is the fact that there's already plenty of gun control legislation and it doesn't work. So, if guns are outlawed only criminals will have guns, leaving law-abiding citizens…. Bibliography Greenslade, Robert. htm Gun Control Doesn't Reduce Crime, Violence, Say Studies. Cato Institute. pdf The Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Second Session Feb. These statistics suggest that gun ownership in itself is dangerous for those who have suicidal thoughts, a demographic that makes up a large portion of the population. By instituting a gun ban, these homes would be safer for these individuals as well as others. Finally, children and those who suffer from suicidal thoughts are not the only types of people to suffer at the hands of a gun.

Guns are dangerous, even in competent adult hands, and guns also have the potential to misfire when used properly or improperly. By employing a gun ban, however, governments can…. References Braga, Anthony et al. The Illegal Supply of Firearms. Crime and Justice. Cities targeted as DC gun ban ends. Surprising Fact: Half of Gun Deaths are Suicides. Wintemute, Garen J. Where the Guns Come From: The Gun Industry and Gun. The issued rose in this case is unauthorized use of a company vehicle, which resulted in an accident. Prater was told to bring the truck home over the weekend to work on the body only. His boss never gave him permission to use the truck for any other purpose. Besides, the insurance on the truck would probably only pay for the accident if it occurred on company time.

Prater could be charged for stealing the truck and unauthorized use. The ruling in this case should be for the plaintiff. Prater should have to pay for the accident and repairs to the truck. Week 8 5. In this case, the city is still the rightful owner of the piece of restored artwork. It does not matter how long Hoeltzer had the artwork, it is still the property of the city. Therefore, the city has legal title to the artwork unless…. While it is a felony to flee the scene of an accident, a police office is ethically bound to report the issue if he himself is in such an accident. The same is with drunken and disorderly behavior or destruction of property. In "Choirboys" the police officers would congregate in a park after hours to engage in drunkenness, disorderly behavior and sexual orgies with women.

And this park was supposed to be out of bounds and closed to the public after hours. Loyalty The introduction in this essay already alluded to the "blue wall of silence" that accompanies every police organization. This is an exclusive fraternity and officers are required to look after and out for each other. In fact, beat cops see themselves as removed from the detective squad, whom they refer to as suits. Certainly, most police hate the Internal affairs squad, though they were once beat cops…. Bibliography BusinessWeek. Who will Fastow Implicate. htm Gilmartin, K. Law Enforement Ethics: The Continuum of Compromise. Gun Trafficking and Straw Purchasing Traffic Jam: Straw Runners' Complicity Rational choice theory is the theory of criminal behavior that posits that when people commit illicit acts, they generally tend to do so while considering their own self-interest.

This theorem posits that criminals are well aware of the illegality of that which they are contemplating, and that they take into account a number of factors before first pursuing these actions. Such factors generally include what sort of benefits they will incur as well as to what degree they will profit from criminal behavior, which is typically weighed against the likelihood of their getting caught. Furthermore, this theory contends that people who commit crime also are cognizant of the nature and the degree of the punishment they may induce if they are apprehended for committing a crime. In view of all of these factors, when people decide to still commit a…. The Council was created to improve the ability of the Police Department to respond to a situation and educate the Department and the community.

The Homeland Security Terrorism Advisory Council for example is a collaboration of sworn officers and civilian employees with diverse backgrounds. Many of these members are or were leading members of specially trained units or have extensive training in SWAT, bomb technology, military assault, hazmat crime analysis, international terrorism intelligence, strategic planning and many other legal units such as basic attorneys. Through technology and experience, the Homeland Security Terrorism Advisory Council should be able to identify, acquire, plan, and advise on terroristic crisis.

With this knowledge base the unit should be able to therefore anticipate, prevent, and…. References Boyd, David G. On the cutting edge: law enforcement technology. Computer Communications Technology Facilitates Law Enforcement. htm Division of Emergency Communications. Captain Linda Samuel. asp Richmond Police Department. Richmond Police Department. difficult buy a gun, a U. citizens amendment pages length, double spaced, font 12 times roman. MLA standards sources, citations. hy the U. should not ban gun control There is presently much controversy regarding the U. And its position concerning gun control. ith recent events such as the Newtown, Connecticut a mass shooting involving 29 persons shot dead dominating media devices, the public has become agitated concerning gun laws.

The fact that these legislations provided an environment where guns can be used by a series of controversial individuals triggered alarm and influenced the masses to lobby with regard to reform. Even though gun control is especially important when considering conditions in the contemporary U. html Gerber, Larry, "The Second Amendment: The Right to Bear Arms," The Rosen Publishing Group, Heller," Vanderbilt Law Review, Vol. Heller," Suffolk University Law Review, Vol. However, this is a common, recurrent theme that has been injected into the public sphere by private interests. As a result, it dominates a substantial amount of discourse in the public sphere, and even people like Griffin and ostron, who believe that it is demoralizing and misleading and state those beliefs publicly, have had little success in challenging this misconception.

Therefore, to have a real gun control debate in the public sphere, it is necessary to investigate whether proposed gun control laws would have had an impact on some of these crimes. In the instances of these massacre-shootings, over and over again it appears that the gunmen purchased their weapons and ammunition legally, rather than going to illegal sources for their weapons. They were not prevented from doing so by current gun-laws, but many of them had behavioral flags that may have led to gun-restrictions under more exacting laws. References Blendon, R. The American public and the gun control debate. JAMA, 22 , Castells, M. The new public sphere: Global civil society, communication networks, and global governance. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1 , Goss, K.

Disarmed: The missing movement for gun control in America. Government Mandated Gun-Free Zones THEE SHOULD BE NO GOVENMENT MANDATED GUN-FEE ZONES IN PUBLIC SPACE. Banning guns for masses and establishing gun-free zones are one of the most controversial topics in American politics. There are clearly two schools of thoughts on this subject. The right to keep a gun and displaying it publically is directly related to individual's rights under the second amendment of the prevailing constitution. However, despite the recognition of the citizens' rights, one cannot ignore the dangers of gun-free zones. Every year, there are cases reported, resulting from arms used in the gun-free zones. Maximum cases were reported in educational institutions where ammunition was used by children and teenagers.

Publically mandated gun-free zones have resulted in loss of many precious lives. There have been many cases reported where emotionally unstable individuals killed number of individuals in the public place. Majority of these massacres took place in educational…. References: First Reports Evaluating the Effectiveness of Strategies for Preventing Violence: Firearms Laws. htm Horner, William T. Showdown in the Show-Me State: The Fight over Conceal-and-Carry Gun Laws in Missouri. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, Patrick, Ryan. Ron Paul Introduces Bill to Abolish 'Gun-Free Zones'. August The government has no right turning a blind eye to criminals who possess arms, allowing innocent citizens to live unprotected in their own homes.

It is far too late to restrict access to guns, anyway. The market has already opened its arms to criminals who have stashes of weapons. Those weapons aren't going anywhere and so American citizens must have unrestricted access to the weapons that can protect them from being killed by criminals. Gun control also prevents objective education surrounding the proper use of guns. If young adults are taught how to properly store and use a firearm they are less likely to use them indiscriminately. espect for guns helps create a more educated, enlightened society instead of one that cowers in fear from the very thought of a weapon that has been around for centuries.

The original purpose of the Second Amendment was to empower the citizens of…. References Agresti, J. asp Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. shtml National Rifle Association. Gun Violence in the United States According to the Gun Violence Archive, which keeps track of gun-related violence in the United States, has had 53, known incidents, resulting in 13, deaths and 28, injuries. There have been mass shooting incidents in In , there were mass shootings killing a total of people and wounding 1,, according to the Mass Shooting Tracker "Guns in the U. Defensive use accounts for of all gun-related incidents in , and 1, gun incidents in were classified as being accidental Gun Violence Archive, In alone, there were 64 school shootings.

Some of those incidents did not involve casualties, but the numbers still prove alarming, revealing the extent of the problem "Guns in the U. Even more mass shootings take place in ordinary businesses --…. References Barry, C. Vernick, J. Two years after Newtown -- public opinion on gun policy revisited. Preventative Medicine 79,pp. Barzilay, Julie and Mohney, Gillian, The Myth Behind Defensive Gun Ownership. VLhsjS42d6I "Firearm Access is a Risk Factor for Suicide," n. Harvard School of Public Health. Mass shootings, firearm accidents, and other gun-related deaths are disproportionately high in the United States, but assessing causality remains one of the greatest policy challenges of the last century. Gun control advocates claim that revising the Second Amendment would help to reduce the number, frequency, and severity of violent deaths and especially curb instances of mass shootings.

On the other hand, gun control detractors claim that guns themselves are not the problem; that existing legislation already controls firearm ownership, and that the Second Amendment must remain sacrosanct in…. legal principle of at-Will employees is one that I feel has both good and bad ramifications. On the good side, it allows employees to quit at any time and seek employment somewhere else. This can be a positive step if the employee feels that the job is not something he or she wants to continue for whatever reason. On the other hand, I think this principle could undermine the entire structure of the employer-employee relationship, giving it a sort of indeterminate or unstable footing. Depending on the nature the job or line of business, it might be beneficial for the employer and the employee to develop more of a relationship that is built on commitment so that both sides know that the other is fully invested -- sort of like a marriage.

This sort of investment has ramifications, of course, beyond the mere business arrangement: it has societal ramifications. Another reason that the site would be useful is that not only tackles the legal concerns of employment law but also the ethical concerns that stem from cultural issues. This is an important point to emphasize, I feel, as one false step in this direction could actually come back to haunt someone even if, strictly speaking, there was no illegal activity conducted. Sometimes what is perceived as bias or prejudice can be made to look so in a court of law, so it is important to understand the ethical and cultural dimensions of issues -- and this site is helpful it that it brings this important point up for the reader.

Finally, the site is helpful in an aesthetic way because it is uncluttered by ads and has no annoying pop-ups, and I will always recommend a site that is clean, user-friendly, and easy to navigate. Vault is definitely that and for these reasons I feel this site could be of good use for the student of Employment Law. Habitual Violators The author of this report has been asked to select a crime control policy and then use the facts and facets of the policy to answer a few questions. First, there will be a summary of the key elements of the policy.

Second, there will be an explanation of the political process for the policy. Third, there will be an examination of the role that the federal government plays when it comes to formulating crime control policy. To get a little more specific about the federal role, there will be an evaluation of how the United States Congress gets involved and influences crime control policy. This is despite the fact that many of the applicable crime control policies in play are decided at the state level. All of this will be looked at through the lens and rubric of who has the most influence and control when it….

References Brookings. Legal Marijuana: Comparing Washington and Colorado. The Brookings Institution. Punishment for repeat DUI offenders inconsistent. Sentencing Reform. CQ Researcher by CQ Press. MADD - Statistics. Stand Your Ground Laws: A Cry for epeal THE EFFECTS OF HYPOXIA STAND YOU GOUND: A CY FO EPEAL Stand Your Ground Laws: A Cry for epeal Academic and Professional Writing for Graduate Students LS The "Stand Your Ground Law" is one of the most controversial laws in recent years and has gained notoriety due to its enactment in thirty-three states so far. Advocates of the law claim that it reduces the threat of violence in society, but the statistics prove otherwise as research shows that the law actually inflames race-based violence Purdie-Vaughn, Williams, As such there are several states that have either taken a wary view of the law and have decided to steer clear of it, or have raised issue s with enactment of the law while considering it.

It is because of this scrutiny the law has been misunderstood by some people, abused by others, and just…. References Alabama Criminal Code, Section 13A Barry Law Review, 20 1 : Cook, R. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. it is reasonable to assume that private arms are intended for destruction under the term. Kopel, a former assistant district attorney in Manhattan and presently a practicing attorney in Colorado writes in the work entitled: "Trust the People: The Case Against Gun Control" a policy brief published at the Cato Institute that: "Gun control is based on the faulty notion that ordinary American citizens are too clumsy and ill-tempered to be trusted with weapons. Only through the blatant abrogation of explicit constitutional rights is gun control even possible.

Each year approximately 7, individuals commit suicide and or fewer people die in accidents involving handguns. As a matter of fact,…. Bibliography NRA Warns of U. Gun Control the New World Disorder - WorldNetDaily. Panic in the Year Zero. Steadies Its Aim at Gun Trafficking Into Mexico. Christian Science Monitor. Department of State 9 June One side rights benefits owning a firearm. The side anti-gun ownership guns illegal. The final part paper position pro-gun ownership! Please make essay original. There is much controversy regarding fire-arms, their use, and whether or not people should have access to guns. The "guns don't kill people, people kill people" expression is likely to spring to mind when considering issues related to guns.

Surely, one might be inclined to say that in spite of the fact that guns are not directly responsible for the fact that people are dying, they provide humanity with a means to killing individuals. Some people are unable to effectively control an excessive amount of power and it thus seems wrong to provide them with access to fire-arms. Even with that, if the authorities focus on establishing harsher laws concerning gun ownership, individuals who are predisposed to committing crimes will no longer be able…. Works cited: Cook, Philip J. pdf Greenhouse, Linda, "Justices Rule for Individual Gun Rights," Retrieved December 6, , from the New York Times Website:. Gun control and the regulation of fundamental rights, is written by Lance K.

Instead of pushing stricter laws, republicans are pushing for a law that would weaken gun restrictions nationwide and make it easier to carry a concealed weapon across state lines. Recently, Eight states have enacted some kind of ban on assault weapons. Two other states regulate military-grade firearms. State gun laws are tracked, in detail, by the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, which lobbies for gun control. According to the law center, states with the strictest gun control measures have the lowest rates of gun-related deaths. Those states include California, Connecticut, New Jersey and New York.

Conversely, states that do not aggressively regulate guns, such as Alabama, Alaska and Louisiana, have the highest rates. More Americans have died from gun violence, including suicides, about 1. In a typical year, more preschoolers are shot dead in America than police officers. How it works. If more guns really made you safer, America would be one of the safest places in the world. As it is, seven children or teenagers are shot dead on average every day, and once a week a toddler injures someone with a gun. Recently, in November, in Akron Ohio, a group of boys were hanging out. A year-old boy accidentally shot the year-old boy in the head. The year-old then panicked and turned the gun on himself. Both were rushed to Akron General Hospital where the year-old was pronounced dead and the year-old was in critical condition.

In my hometown, Canton Ohio, Perry Local Schools faced many tragedies in a short amount of time. Within the past year there have been thirteen teen suicides between the ages of 14 and Last school year the school mourned the deaths of 6 teens in 6 months, three of the suicides happening in eleven days. Guns were involved in many of the incidents. In a society that fetishizes self-reliance, the gun speaks to rugged individualism, each person should be responsible for saving themselves. Emantic Bradford was fatally shot in the middle of a panicked crowd at a mall in Hoover, Alabama in November.

Witnesses said Mr. Bradford, who was legally carrying a handgun, was directing shoppers to safety. But the authorities publicly identified him as the gunman, an initial misidentification they regretted a day later. The shooting and its aftermath have ignited protests in Hoover, and the United States. Today, it is because of the NRA that people on the no-fly list can still purchase guns and there is zero government funding for research into how to prevent gun deaths. Fred Rivara, an epidemiologist at the University of Washington, stated, There is no data supporting his argument that the further arming of citizens will lessen the death toll in massacres like the one in Connecticut. There are in fact rigorous scientific data showing that having a gun in the home increases the risk of violent death in the home.?

Many people from the other side of the argument will say that more guns will result in less crime, but if guns are easier to possess, the crime rate will only increase. There is no evidence that proves more guns will lower crime rates. Christopher Koper, a professor at George Mason University and the lead author of the study that is cited by the N. In , Connecticut tightened licensing laws, while in Missouri eased gun laws. After tightening gun laws, firearm homicide rates dropped 40 percent in Connecticut. And after Missouri eased gun laws, gun homicide rates rose approximately 25 percent.

Many gun-control advocates, and particularly advocates of a total gun ban, would like to see the United States become more like Canada, where there are far fewer guns per capita and where most guns must be registered with the federal government. Our laws have often focused more on weapons themselves rather than on access. In many places, there is more rigorous screening of people who want to adopt dogs than of people who want to purchase firearms.

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