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Girl with a pearl earring essay

Girl with a pearl earring essay

Free Essays Topics Essay Checker Hire Writer Login. which is something that she likes. Catharina has been inquiring this likely most of her life with Vermeer. The light falling on the turban reveals the folds of the turban. She so visits Maria Thins about it. to fire her. Griet is admired the most by Vermeer.

Girl with a Pearl Earring Essay Example

It is one of the most famous paintings of Johannes Vermeer, a Dutch painter. Vermeer painted this painting in the year He used girl with a pearl earring essay as the medium and canvas as the base for the painting. The size of the painting is Presently, the painting can be viewed at Mauritshuis museum in The Girl with a pearl earring essay, The Netherlands. Following is a depiction of the painting:. The light is also highlighting the pearl earring and brings the pearl to prominence. This was done probably because of the title of the painting. Vermeer made the lighting effect possible by using oil paints. The pose of the girl shows that she is looking over her shoulder at the onlookers.

She also appears to be lost in her own world and thoughts. The head gear worn by the girl depicts the dressing culture of that era. It seems that wearing a turban head gear was a trendy fashion during that period. By using blue and gold combination of the turban Vermeer has further added grandeur to the painting. The light falling on the turban reveals the folds of the turban. It shows the desire of Vermeer to highlight even the smallest details in his paintings. Vermeer has shown the girl wearing a jacket which makes us understand that the painting was set in the winter season. It is ironical to note that in his other paintings Vermeer has always painted the background very lively and colourful, girl with a pearl earring essay.

In order to highlight the colours of the main object the girlVermeer has used green yellowish-brown colour for the background. The probable reason for this could be that Vermeer wanted his audience to give more attention to the girl and the pearl earring that she is wearing. It may be said that Vermeer undoubtedly succeeded in his attempt. It has been argued by critics that the kind of earring that the girl is shown wearing was non-existent at that time. This means that Vermeer was girl with a pearl earring essay imaginative person and had a great foresight, girl with a pearl earring essay. As far as the identity of the girl in the picture is concerned, there are various theories and following are the major ones:.

She was born in and at the time Vermeer painted this picture, she must have been 11 years old. So considering the age, Maria is a strong contender. One of the recent theories is based on the well admired and acclaimed film wherein Scarlet Johnson played the role of the girl. According to the storyline of the film, the girl has been depicted as being the servant of Vermeer, girl with a pearl earring essay. According to some media sources, it is understood that the painting will be on a display tour at the De Young Museum, San Francisco during January — June Need a custom Analytical Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. If you continue, we will assume that you agree to our Cookies Policy.

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They cannot reveal too much of their feelings for each other. When the painting comes to its ending, both of the characters, with their sense of painting, discover there is missing something. When she gets out of the house, Griet pierces her ears and wears the earring. The painting is finished. But there is all but a good ending; Catharina finds out. She is furious at her husband, but even more at Griet. Immediately she fires her. Here ends the relationship of Vermeer and Griet. She has already kissed him, but she was not completely fallen for him. He actually already has asked her to marry him, and now she is gone from the household of Vermeer, she decides to take this offer.

In the end, everything turned out to be okay. But during the play, her character changes. Her behaviour towards Vermeer and her environment, is undergoing a great bending. She becomes more outspoken and she stands up for herself. Last but not least, her environment notices these changes as well. She began to work there as a very shy and introvert girl. First of all, her attitude towards the people in the household transforms. An important trait of Griet is that she always tried to hide her face under her cap. She does do this, in order that no one is able to see her emotions. She is very introvert. The film shows this shyness as well. But when time goes by, the feature of hiding her face under her cap seems to fade away, and her attitude changes.

It even changes that much, that she tends to act like the people in the household as well. He is a very silent, modest and interesting man. Although, that is what Griet thinks. Fortunately, Vermeer likes the change and applies it to his painting. Besides this, she develops feelings for Vermeer as well. And surprisingly, this love is not one sided. In the movie for example, we watch them making paint together. I preferred to think of him alone in his studio. These quotes show her bold behaviour, namely these thoughts are not very usual to have for a maid about her master. Summarized; a great change towards Vermeer, concerning her feelings but also her attitude. In the movie, we see Griet making a slip of the tongue when she introduces Pieter to her parents.

In conclusion, Griet transformed from a shy, introvert girl to an almost bold, but most of all outspoken maid. The reason for this might be that she has to be more harsh in this new environment, because she is being used kind of like a slave. Or the reason is simply that she is getting used to the behaviour she sees around her, and starts to command people herself. Cornelia does this trusting for Catharina to happen out about Griet running particular errands for Vermeer. This shows that Cornelia becomes so covetous of Griet that she even begins undertaking luxuriant programs to acquire rid of her.

Despite being a immature miss. she knows that Griet and Vermeer are going closer. and she wants to halt it. With the changeless mischievousness of Cornelia. Griet is coming closer and closer to losing her occupation. merely as Cornelia wants. The other amah. is really covetous of Griet acquiring more regard from Vermeer and Maria Thins and being treated better than her by them. Tanneke has worked with the Vermeer household for most of her life and she expects to be the most extremely appreciated amah. but all of a sudden Griet. who has been working at that place for less than a twelvemonth. she knows that she has been running particular errands for Vermeer. She so visits Maria Thins about it. what threats or promises she made to maintain her quiet.

This shows that Maria Thins respects that Griet is assisting Vermeer with his pigments. hopefully doing him paint faster. Tanneke is really disquieted that some amah. who merely moved in. all of a sudden earns more regard from Vermeer and Maria Thins than she had in her 15 old ages working at that place. As Tanneke grows even more covetous. she besides tries to acquire rid of Griet. Ever since the minute Griet first moves in. Catharina has held a score against her. She has been seeking for credence and fondness from Vermeer.

both of which she gets excessively few of to fulfill her demands. Catharina can non believe that a puny amah is acquiring more attending from Vermeer than she has her full life. When Catharina finds out that Vermeer has been in secret painting Griet. all of her choler and jealousy saddle horses to a point where she can non bear it any longer. She eventually expresses this desire to acquire attending from Vermeer. She knew that the existent affair was non the earrings. She wanted them to be. she tried to do them be so. but she could non assist herself. She turned to her hubby. This was done probably because of the title of the painting. Vermeer made the lighting effect possible by using oil paints. The pose of the girl shows that she is looking over her shoulder at the onlookers. She also appears to be lost in her own world and thoughts.

The head gear worn by the girl depicts the dressing culture of that era. It seems that wearing a turban head gear was a trendy fashion during that period. By using blue and gold combination of the turban Vermeer has further added grandeur to the painting. The light falling on the turban reveals the folds of the turban. It shows the desire of Vermeer to highlight even the smallest details in his paintings. Vermeer has shown the girl wearing a jacket which makes us understand that the painting was set in the winter season.

It is ironical to note that in his other paintings Vermeer has always painted the background very lively and colourful. In order to highlight the colours of the main object the girl , Vermeer has used green yellowish-brown colour for the background. The probable reason for this could be that Vermeer wanted his audience to give more attention to the girl and the pearl earring that she is wearing. It may be said that Vermeer undoubtedly succeeded in his attempt. It has been argued by critics that the kind of earring that the girl is shown wearing was non-existent at that time.

This means that Vermeer was an imaginative person and had a great foresight.

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