Tuesday, February 15, 2022

An essay on leadership

An essay on leadership

Free Air Canada Research Paper Sample. Some of them are as follows: —. Here leadership is defined regarding motivation while keeping some other leadership characteristics silent. HIRE WRITER PREMIUM DATABASE Sign in, an essay on leadership. Another assumption claims that leaders are capable of acquiring specific features over their life span. But it can also be a person who prefers independent movements outside of power. It stresses the importance of motivation as a primary driver of leadership.


Disclaimer: This paper has been submitted by a student. This is not a sample of the work written by professional academic writers. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this work are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of StudySaurus. As leadership becomes an increasingly popular field of study, research continues to support the concept that there are numerous factors that play a role in effective leadership. For leadership to be effective, these factors must align in a way that is beneficial for both the leader and followers; in some instances the misalignment of these elements can cause ineffective leadership. The film shows the complexities of military leadership as well as how motivation, traits, influence tactics, charismatic leadership, and situational leadership interact to form the leadership process.

The film also gives insight into how quickly leadership can change, and how the change of a few factors can cause the entire leadership process to fall apart. Leadership researchers agree that there is no one combination of traits or situational factors that ensures effective leadership; this is especially true in regards to military leadership. In times of war and crisis, military leaders must be able to adapt to whatever situation is presented to them while still being able to effectively motivate their followers to risk their lives for the good of the organization, an essay on leadership.

Military leaders must also make life or death decisions on the spot and still strive to meet organizational goals, making military leadership distinctly different from all other forms of leadership. Furthermore, an essay on leadership, effective military leadership requires a strong bond between leaders and followers, as well as between the followers themselves. The Commandant has close bonds with most of his soldiers, as they view him as the person who will support them in standing an essay on leadership to the national an essay on leadership for terrorizing their communities. The soldiers have a strong sense of community within the battalion, and they rely on one another both inside and outside of battle; most of their parents were either killed or by the national government, so the battalion is the only real family many of them have.

The motivation of followers is an essential part of leadership, regardless of if it is military leadership or not. Motivation is linked directly to performance and job satisfaction; the more motivated followers feel, the more effort they are willing to put forth towards the job, and this will likely make them more satisfied Hughes et al. The Commandant also supplies his soldiers with a sense of belonging since, for many of them, the battalion is virtually the only family they have. By helping his followers fulfill these needs, he can motivate his followers to work harder and achieve the goals he sets for them. The Five Factor OCEAN model of personality gives a simple way to categorize behaviors into five different groups: openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism Hughes et al.

The Commandant, being the head of a battalion of an essay on leadership, must be able to react to various unexpected situations; when enemy soldiers ambush their camp at night, he is able to quickly set up defenses and fight them off. The Commandant is relatively open to experience, as his involvement in the war has caused him to find new battle strategies and ways of training soldiers to maximize effectiveness, an essay on leadership. His level of conscientiousness is on the lower end, as he has the ability to make spontaneous decisions and is creative enough to plan battle strategies that catch the national government forces off guard. The Commandant also has relatively positive relationships with his followers and fellow officers; they are loyal to him, respect him, and never seem to be fearful of his presence.

Lastly, and possibly most importantly, his neuroticism levels are extremely low; he reacts well to stress and tends to think through stressful situations without panicking or being pessimistic. In a war zone, low neuroticism makes the difference between life and death, as panicking can cause wrong decisions in times of crisis. Likewise, other leadership attributes, such as intelligence, play a vital role in effective leadership. The Commandant has relatively high analytic intelligence in the sense that he can see connections between issues in his battalion and on the battlefield, and he can make quick decisions with little information. When attacking an essay on leadership bridge, they have no idea what defenses the enemy battalion have in place, so the Commandant makes a quick decision to plant bombs that distract an essay on leadership enemy so that his battalion can assess the group before attacking.

He also has practical intelligence in the sense that he can adapt to unfamiliar situations quickly. The battle style his troops partake, including ambushing and guerrilla warfare, requires quick thinking and he must make strategic decisions on a whim when he receives new, often challenging orders from his commanding officers. In order for leaders to motivate their followers and prompt an essay on leadership performance and goal achievement, they must be able to influence their followers. The Commandant holds expert power over his soldiers because he has far more knowledge surrounding battle strategies and war in general than they do; this gives him the power to influence the decisions of the group because he ultimately has more knowledge and experience in war than anyone else in the group.

He also has lots of referent power due to the strong bonds between him and his soldiers; an essay on leadership soldiers credit him for their survival and ability to fight for what they believe in. Moreover, he takes time to know his followers personally, and he even has specially close relationships with the soldiers who suffered the roughest past, such as Agu and Strika. Additionally, an essay on leadership, he has legitimate power in the group due to his position as commander of the battalion; this position ultimately gives him the authority to make all decisions for the group.

He has some reward power, as he has control over resources such as weapons and food; this base of power plays a large role in his influence over his followers considering their circumstances of being in a poor war zone. The Commandant rarely uses the coercive power, except when bringing new soldiers into the group; if someone refuses to join the NDF and his battalion, they are labeled as an enemy and ultimately executed. Luckily, most of the children the NDF encounters hate the national government and eagerly join to help avenge their families and communities. Similarly, he uses various influence tactics to achieve goals in his battalion. Inspirational appeals, an essay on leadership, or appeals designed to arouse enthusiasm or emotions in followers tend to be the most effective within his followers due to their reasons for joining the NDF Hughes et al.

He often brings up how the national government slaughtered innocent families and destroyed entire communities to get the soldiers pumped up before battle. Equally important to influencing followers is how leaders initiate change in organizations. Charismatic and transformational leadership play an essential role in organizational change; charismatic authority systems usually occur in rebellion to another, an essay on leadership, failing authority system. The Commandant possesses the characteristics of a charismatic leader; he wishes to help his soldiers battle the national government and has a vision to do so, which meets the needs of the group, but he also wishes to do well in battle so that he will be promoted to a general.

This charismatic leadership does not inherently make the Commandant a bad leader, an essay on leadership, as the needs of the group are still being met. Lastly, the situation plays arguably the most complex role in the leadership process. The Situational Leadership Model considers two categories, task behavior and relationship behavior, to determine how leaders should act in particular situations in regards to an essay on leadership. This helps the leader ensure that they are providing the best leadership for different types of followers Hughes et al. The Commandant must give more guidance to new members of his battalion, as they do not yet understand the ways of war and what their roles are.

When Agu first joins the battalion, the Commandant gives him more attention and assistance than he does for other followers because Agu needed to learn his place in the group, an essay on leadership. As Agu became comfortable in the NDF, the Commandant backed off and began giving him less specific instructions because he was more able to complete the tasks. The situation can also impact how effective the leadership is; if the situation and environment change drastically, but the leadership remains the same, it is likely that the leadership may no longer be effective.

When the Commandant learns that he is not being promoted to general, he takes his battalion and rebels against the NDF; his soldiers, being extremely loyal to him, follow without question. However, an essay on leadership, their food, weapons, and other resources begin to run dry without NDF support; the Commandant is hopeless and does nothing to try and help his followers. After months of these conditions, the soldiers become so dissatisfied with their needs not being met that they decide to abandon their commander and surrender to the national government. According to Manfred Kets de Vries, this falls under the detached neurotic leadership style, part of a theory regarding dysfunctional leadership, an essay on leadership.

In the detached style of leadership, an essay on leadership, the leader is cold and insensitive, and is completely withdrawn from his followers and their needs. Often times, this causes the followers to be riddled with conflict and be an essay on leadership insecure in their case, which can lead to them abandoning the leader de Vries, Conclusively, the various leader attributes, influence tactics, and situational factors must all align in a way that mutually beneficial to the leader and followers for effective leadership to take place. Beasts of No Nation encompasses both effective and ineffective leadership; it gives insight into the militaristic side of leadership, how leaders in rebel groups can motivate their followers, an essay on leadership, and how easily the leader-follower relationship can change in the face of hardship.

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Lastly, the interactions between the leader and followers are also of vital importance. This is where the feedback process comes. Hence, it is imperative to consider that the feedback process is not a one-way process but a two-way process involving giving and receiving from the leader to the follower and vice versa. In other words, albeit this theory is deemed complex and difficult to test, it defines the right model of effective leadership from my point of view stressing the importance of the vital components that makes up an effective leadership. This is because effective feedback and interaction with other leaders and subordinates help one to ascertain the duration, breadth and imparting control over an adversity. Moreover, this leadership theory also makes room for identifying an adversity ahead of time.

Therefore, making necessary preparation and taking adequate steps in order to contain and deal with it. A clear identification of the environmental constraints provide an essence giving room for pinpointing the challenges faced by the firm in the physical environment and the appropriate approaches to deal with those challenges. Various literature on leadership assumes that leadership and management are two separate concepts. Obviously, management becomes effective when the manager is a leader. Charismatic leadership as proposed by House assumes that certain charismatic attributes must be present in a leader before he can lead effectively.

This is akin to stating the leaders are born and not made. Of course, good leaders could possess some intrinsic characteristics that distinguish them, but essentially effectiveness can be ensured by acquiring knowledge. A leader must be able to keep abreast of every necessary detail on leadership and also wield them appropriately. The theories and concepts of leadership as pointed out above namely situational and transformational leadership are quite encompassing but do not truly paint the picture of leadership as a practical activity in a complex organization Denis et al. Apparently, the practice of leadership is a complex process which cannot perfectly be defined by a single theory, concept or model.

In fact, this is obviously what spurred Allio to assert that there is no best way to lead. This means that there might be different models or ideas on effective leadership and no single model or theory truly defines an effective leader. In fact, an integration of all of the leadership theory would go a long way to giving a model of an effective leader in an organization or a system. The models and theories of effective leadership do not comprehensively consider the factors that result to the derailment of executives or top managers. The study noted that derailment could be prevented if managers and those around them will work on some hard developmental issues.

To prevent derailment, the study also observed that managers need to improve themselves in their interpersonal relationships, their ability to build and lead a team, ability to develop or adapt and ability to meet the objectives of the business. Essentially, it can be noted that derailment is a developmental issue and not a value issue and can be prevented by working on the aforementioned developmental processes and not the value system. The leader is presented here as someone who is already perfect and can be emulated in all ramification by the followers or subordinates. Of course, the leader should serve as an example to the followers, but there should be room for improvement and development to avoid the issues of leadership derailment.

In conclusion, being a very vital and important subject, leadership demands careful consideration and study in every organization. Leadership has no single definition, and many theories have been propounded by various theorists to describe this important concept. A leader can simply be defined as a person who has a follower regardless of the number of followers. This definition clearly writes management off as different from leadership. However, managerial leadership concept tries to marry the two important concept namely leadership and management together. A manager must be a leader to be effective. Leadership is usually defined regarding motivation and influence.

Charismatic leadership tries to capture and define a leader as someone who is endowed with some sort of charisma that magnetizes followers to him and causes them to follow his footsteps. However, it can be argued that an effective leader is not only defined in terms of the innate abilities, but a leader must be able to learn, unlearn and relearn to ensure effectiveness. Moreover, effective leadership should be transformational. In other words, the feedback process must be developed in such a way that the leader could learn and communicate to and from his subordinates creating room for absolute effectiveness. Allio, R. Leadership: The five big ideas. Bass, B. Ethics, character, and authentic transformational leadership behavior.

The Leadership Quarterly, 10 2 , pp. Brown, M. Ethical and Unethical Leadership: Exploring New Avenues for Future Research. Business Ethics Quarterly, 20 4 , pp. In: Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia, Microsoft Corporation. Denis, J. The Practice of Leadership in the Messy World of Organizations. Leadership, 6 1 , pp. Harms, P. Teaching the Art and Craft of Giving and Receiving Feedback. Business Communication Quarterly, 73 4 , pp. Livingston, J. Pygmalion in Management. Harvard Business Review. How to Bounce Back from Adversity. What's your story? A life-stories approach to authentic leadership development. The Leadership Quarterly, 16 3 , pp.

Ünsar, S. Leadership and communication. Cham: Springer. Van, E. Why executives derail: perspectives across time and cultures. Academy of Management Perspectives, 9 4 , pp. Yukl, G. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Managerial Leadership: A Review of Theory and Research. Journal of Management, 15 2 , pp. We accept sample papers from students via the submission form. If this essay belongs to you and you no longer want us to display it, you can put a claim on it and we will remove it. Just fill out the removal request form with all necessary details, such as page location and some verification of you being a true owner.

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LEARN MORE. Introduction Leadership endures relevance in virtually every field of life, and it cannot be overstated in the business world. What Is Leadership? Leadership Theories Theories and leadership experts have propounded several theories on leadership. Leader-Environment-Follower-Interaction Theory Leader-environment-follower-interaction theory abbreviated as LEFI is another interesting leadership theory that stems from the situational leadership approach proposed by Wofford. A Personal Perspective on Leadership Various literature on leadership assumes that leadership and management are two separate concepts. Conclusion In conclusion, being a very vital and important subject, leadership demands careful consideration and study in every organization.

References Allio, R. Time Management. Bachelor's Degree. Cite this page Choose cite format: APA MLA Harvard Vancouver Chicago ASA IEEE AMA. Accessed 07 January Good Example Of Essay On An Overview And Critique On Leadership. January Accessed January 07, Retrieved January 07, com, Jan Free Essay Examples - WowEssays. Published Jan 06, Share with friends using:. Removal Request. REQUEST THE REMOVAL. Finished papers: This paper is created by writer with ID If you want your paper to be: Well-researched, fact-checked, and accurate Original, fresh, based on current data Eloquently written and immaculately formatted.

Hire this Writer. Calculate Price And Order An Essay. Academic level High school College University PhD. Deadline 3 hours 6 hours 12 hours 24 hours 2 days 3 days 7 days 14 days 20 days. order now. Submit your old papers to our essay database and help fellow students to learn from example. This is your chance to pay it forward! Submit Your Paper. Can't find a free sample that matches your requirements? Subscribe to WowEssays Premium and get access to over 1 MILLION high-quality downloadable samples GET ACCESS NOW. In order to be a good leader, one needs to have some unique leadership qualities or leadership skills. First of all, honesty is the foremost quality that a leader needs to be a successful leader.

A good or successful leader is always honest in nature. On the other hand, a good leader always inspires his followers and motivates them in achieving the goal. He also possesses good communication skills so that he can communicate with his group. He keeps a constant eye on his followers too. Simultaneously an efficient leader has decision-making capabilities too. He can take a quick decision as per situation demands. A good leader possesses many skills. Some leadership skills are as follows: —. Creativity and Innovation.

Honesty and loyalty. Power to take responsibility. Instant decision-making capability. Problem-solving capability. There are different types of leadership styles in different situations. In total there are seven types of leadership styles. Laissez leadership, autocratic leadership, participative leadership are known as the classic styles of leadership. There are some other leadership styles too such as situational leadership, transactional leadership, transformational leadership, and strategic leadership. I mage Credit: — Google Image. Leadership in Education: — Leadership in education or educational leadership is a combined process that unites the wisdom of the triangle i. e the teachers, parents and students. The main goal of educational leadership or leadership in education is to strengthen the quality of education.

In educational leadership, the teachers, students, parents and those who are involved in the process put their efforts together to upgrade the quality of education. A dream of success is prepared through educational leadership. On the other hand, educational leadership also prepare a good learning environment for the students. The teachers are considered the founder of educational leadership. Leadership in organization creates a crystal clear vision for the organization. A leader in an organization motivates the employees to reach the goal. He also shows them the vision of success. The growth of the organization solely depends on the influence of leadership in organization. As a whole leadership plays a vital role in the success and development of an organization.

Leadership in management: — Leadership in management and leadership in organization sounds almost the same. But both are a little different from each other. Management is a part of an organization. To manage an organization in a smooth way a good leader is required. Leadership in management is required to maintain a smooth relation between the authority and the employees. In an organization, it is almost impossible for the higher authority to maintain a relationship or to motivate the employees all the time. The leader does it and leads the employee towards the goal. To sum up: — It is a naïve task to write an essay on leadership in limited words as it is a vast topic to discuss.

We have crafted this leadership essay for the students. We have tried to highlight the maximum points in this leadership essay. Want a long essay on leadership? Leadership is the art of leading a group of people or an organization and influencing others to follow that direction. It may be defined as a position held by an individual in a group. A leader is responsible for guiding a group of employees and developing and implementing a timeline for his team to reach their goal. Leadership Styles — Here, we are trying to cover 5 different types of ways people tend to lead an organization called Leadership Styles. So, we have gone through different Leadership Styles and qualities.

The above points are very important for students who want to write an in-depth Essay on Leadership. Leadership in Education OR Educational Leadership — Leadership in Education or Educational Leadership is a combined process that unites the talents and energies of teachers, students, and parents towards achieving a common educational goal. The primary goal of educational leadership is to create of vision of academic success for all students through collaboration with different individuals. There are different types of educational leadership styles like Servant Leadership, Transactional Leadership, Emotional Leadership, Transformational Leadership etc.

Leadership in Organization OR Organizational Leadership — In Organizational Leadership, the leader motivates the people to a higher level of performance by setting up goals for both individuals and for a group of peoples. Leadership in organization is nothing but an attitude that empowers an individual in the team to lead from the top, middle or bottom of an organization. Leadership in Psychology — Psychological Leadership is the process of influencing the team members of an organization in a different way so that it boosts their contribution to the realization of team goals. Successful leaders are psychologically stronger than other leaders and they also tend to symbolize integrity and emotional intelligence. In this Leadership essay, we have tried our best to give an idea about some of the leadership qualities, leadership styles along with a brief note about how leadership works in a different field like education, organization etc.

This essay in leadership is composed by taking in mind different examination criteria. Hope, the students from different standards get benefited from this essay. Also Read. Essay on Solar energy and its uses. Essay on Social media advantages and disadvantages. Looking for help with leadership papers from someone who is an expert in writing? DoMyEssay can write essays for you on any topics you need. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Sign in.

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