Friday, February 18, 2022

Natural calamities essay

Natural calamities essay

Accounting 0. Soil erosion due to deforestation causes landslides in hilly areas. Furthermore, one disaster can invite some of the other ones. Earthquake: Earth is a type of natural disaster in which the earth start to shake or vibrate itself. Types of Natural Calamities: Different natural, natural calamities essay, calamities can be distinguished from each other in terms of their nature and extent of their impact. Cyclones are of many types and strengths. For if we know of a calamity natural calamities essay is to come, we should be able to save ourselves from it.

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Natural Calamities. Natural calamities are the calamities that are inflicted by God, or Nature, on man and his world. At these calamities, the unseen hand 1 wreaks havoc in the part of the world it chooses to act upon. On these natural activities of nature, no scientific or technological developments can wield any control. They can occur as and when and where nature ordains it. Natural calamities can be of many different kinds, but the similarity in all is their massive destruction in the area of their occurrence. Natural disasters are of many kinds, they are drought and famine, flood, earthquake, hailstorm, and cyclone. In the wake of all these, in one sweep there is complete devastation and destruction, due to which normal life comes to a standstill. Loss of life is well nigh complete, and the belongings of people get lost, natural calamities essay, blown away, or swept away.

The scene is one of awe, of some unknown power that appears to wreak some revenge on the people of the area, natural calamities essay. One feels that there will never again be living in the area, there will never again come up any constructions in the area. But, nature plays its part in this also, and even after the most ghastly disasters, natural calamities essay, life has come up blooming as ever as before in areas of such devastation. A very touching scene is of a drought-affected area. In any country that depends on the annual rainfall for its source of water, if there is no rain, for the water natural calamities essay, the obvious famine comes in its wake. This condition of getting no rain is called drought, and with it, natural calamities essay, as its automatic corollary comes famine.

With the scarcity of water, natural calamities essay, there is no vegetation and food scarcity follows. The crops get burnt up within the heat, the earth gets parched for water, and all life seems to be cracking. Just the opposite condition occurs when there is a flood. A flood is another form of a natural calamity. On the one hand, we find men dying due to wanting of water while on the other, in a flood we see them marooned by huge expanses of water. High-rise buildings start as if floating in the water, men livestock, and materials get an opportunity of floating, swimming, and even drowning. If this flood is accompanied by a storm then there is no panacea for the sufferers.

With the impact of the strong breeze, trees get uprooted and there appears no hope for the survival of life. Regarding an earthquake, Oh God, the earth cracks and creeps with the huge solid face of the earth moving light as a cradle, moving in a loving soft breeze. However, natural calamities essay, this cradle of love is no less than a destruction of the highest magnitude and causes massive destruction as of the other calamities. The earth appears to be crying under the weight of civilization and breaking and cracking in places with an unwarranted speed.

The result of this swing-like action of the earth is the occurrence of cracks big and small in different places and, the falling of huge high-rise buildings, felling of trees, and complete annihilation of life and materials. A hailstorm and a cyclone also result in absolute disaster and breakdown of life. The latest of such tragedies has been a cyclone in the Gujarat state of India. Trees have been blown off their very roots, and houses and huge buildings have been as if dug out of their very foundations, natural calamities essay, and all life has been destroyed or dislocated. As far as India is concerned, I feel that nature has been very kind on the one hand and very cruel yes very cruel on the other.

I say this because not one year goes by when there has been no natural disaster. However, when such calamities do occur in India, the entire Indian natural calamities essay, Governmental or non-governmental does gear up to provide succor to the disturbed area. The Government sanctions crores of rupees for the rehabilitation of the people in the area, food and medicines are airdropped and the entire country feels and acts together. However, it is a natural calamities essay of thought that, natural calamities essay, even after 50 years of self-rule, the Government has not been able to take any concrete steps to avert such natural disasters.

For example in Assam every year there is a flood in the Natural calamities essay Brahmaputra and then the machinery is geared up to take the people out of the trouble, but, no success has been achieved in averting the disaster. It is to be thought of why we have not been able to avert the calamities which are annual. For if we know of a calamity that is to come, we should be able to save ourselves from it. At this juncture, let us analyze why and how these calamities have remained unchecked even when we are so deep into civilization and development. The obvious reasons to my mind are two one that, we are not able to, and second, we are not sufficiently interested in removing the hazard. I feel the Indian scenario is a combination of the two causes.

We are not natural calamities essay to check them and also we are not as serious as we should be in trying to prevent these tragedies, natural calamities essay. For example in Assam, as just mentioned, every year without fail, there are floods. Though there has been instituted a Brahmaputra Board that has done some work to clean the river and increase the stretch of the river bed, natural calamities essay, the floods come non-stop. This shows very clearly that, efforts are not enough and of course, this also proves another point that man natural calamities essay no power over the will of nature.

Though today man thinks that he can do everything and nature is now irrelevant, yet, all his efforts to counter the pangs of nature fall flat and fail. The repeated disasters that befall on earth are a continuous reminder to man that there is always a hand that can undo all that man does. For if this was not true, man would be ruling like a monarch on earth without a fear but, natural calamities essay, as we all know, this is not so. Nature plays its game off and on and gives pinpricks to this self-styled monarch to remind him of his drawbacks and disabilities and keep him in a balanced state of mind. Your email address will not be published. About Vision Website Inauguration Function.

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pros and cons essay sample

The strength of a natural disaster is divided into three types. The first ones are that covers a diameter of 50 to km and make lower damages. The second type covers a diameter of to km and is more destructive than the first one. The third is large scale natural disaster that covers more than km and it is the most destructive type of natural disaster. A natural disaster occurs because of many reasons. Landslide occurs because of gravitational forces. Some natural disasters occur because of internal geological activities. Some disasters are a result of a natural disaster. Like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions can cause landslides and avalanches.

Draught is a condition of low groundwater levels and it is considered as one of the human-generated natural disasters. Soil erosion because of deforestation is also a cause of many natural calamities like landslides and floods. There is a need to spread awareness to conserve natural resources for fewer natural disasters. Earthquake: Earth is a type of natural disaster in which the earth start to shake or vibrate itself. The harm by an earthquake depends upon the strength of the earthquake. Some weak earthquakes bring no harm while stronger ones can destroy an entire city. Landslides: Landslides generally occurs in mountains or hilly areas. The moving of big slabs of rocks or debris down a slope is referred to as landslides.

It is actually unpredictable and so it can damage man-made things. The air moves in a spiral track that goes inwards. Cyclones are of many types and strengths. A Tsunami is formed with very powerful waves than cyclones. Avalanches: Avalanches are just like landslides. It is an incident of the huge amount of snow down falling on the slope. This is also an unpredictable event and can damage at a notable level. Floods and Droughts : A flood is an overflow of water that submerges land that is usually dry. They can also come on quickly or build gradually.

Calamities like: earthquakes, hailstorms, avalanches, landslides, etc. Similarly, though floods and cyclones occur with some element of warning yet their occurrence is confined in duration. Drought, on the other hand, spans over a much longer time-frame and its adverse impact on the economic activities and life of an area is of a more lasting nature. The measures required to meet the threats posed by different calamities, therefore, differ considerably in terms of disaster preparedness and amelioration of the economic and social life of the affected people.

Natural calamities may be broadly grouped into major and minor types depending upon their potential to cause damage to human life and property. While natural calamities like: earth quakes, droughts, floods and cyclones could be regarded as major, hailstorms, avalanches, landslides, fire accidents, etc. Whose impact is localized and intensity of the damage is much less can be categorized as minor calamities. Minor calamities like: hailstorms, avalanches, landslides and fires also occur without any appreciable degree of forewarning and cause damage to properties and lives. However, areas prone to such disasters also could be identified and certain precautionary measures taken in the context of potential threat requiring general awareness and an ability to relate to a predefined system of appropriate responses on the part of the local administration.

Essay 3. Crisis Relief Plan for Natural Calamities: For ensuring appropriate policy and administrative response to natural calamities, a clear identification of the nodal organisation and the pattern of inter action between the different Government functionaries would be necessary. The Department of Agriculture and Cooperation DAC in the Agriculture Ministry is the Nodal Department for all matters concerning natural calamities relief at the centre. In the DAC, the Relief Commissioner functions at the nodal officer to coordinate relief operations for all natural calamities. The Relief Commissioner will be assisted in the discharge of his duties by the Additional Relief Commissioner and an Emergency Operations Centre Control Room in the DAC.

The Control Room will function full scale round the clock after receipt of first information about the occurrence of a major natural calamity for the period specified by the Relief Commissioner for dealing effectively with the crisis arising out of a natural calamity. The present arrangements in the DAC for receiving massages outside office hours are by way of a Night Duty Cell and a telex facility, once a major natural calamity occurs, a Control Room with full complement of staff for round the clock functioning will be brought into operation. The Control Room is intended to be the nerve centre of all emergencies and will, therefore, be adequately equipped and optimally located. Immediately on the occurrence of a major natural calamity, the members of the Crisis Management Group CMG and the Control Room first shift functionaries duly identified in advance required for full scale functioning of the Control Room will be got assembled.

The charter of duties of the duty officer will clearly indicate the course of action that he is required to take on receipt of messages of a particular nature. The duty officer will have in his possession the names, addresses and telephone numbers of all members of the Crisis Management Group and the essential personnel of the Control Room. He will also have the particulars of their alternates and also the telephone numbers of the Control Rooms of all the State Governments with whom he may have to communicate. The personnel manning the full scale Control Room would be drawn from the DAC for emergency duties. The officers in charge of night duty and telex facility and also control room staff shall be given advance briefing and training in the tasks to be performed by them.

The Control Room on receipt of the first information with regard to occurrence of any major natural calamity will immediately transmit the information to the following:. The first information report and the subsequent periodical reports generated by the Control Room will also be sent to the officers indicated by the Relief Commissioner from time to time. These nodal officers shall furnish information to the Relief Commissioner through the Control Room of the DAC on such periodicity as may be determined by relief Commissioner. Traditionally, relief in the wake of natural calamities has been treated as the primary responsibility of the States. Successive Finance Commissions have also reiterated this position.

Even though the States are primarily responsible for relief activities, the Central Government associates itself with measures aimed at ameliorating the sufferings of the people on account of natural calamities. Towards this end, the Central Government, with its resources, physical and financial does provide the needed help and assistance to buttress relief efforts in the wake of major natural calamities. The dimensions of the response at the level of National Government are determined in accordance with the existing policy of financing the relief expenditure and keeping in view the factors like:. iii The requirements of central assistance for augmenting the financial resources at the disposal of the State Government.

Due to this nature, avoiding them is almost impossible. However, we can take certain precautions that will help keep the level of devastation down and save precious human lives. The nature of protection against natural disasters depends on the type of the disaster. For disasters like floods and landslides, plantation of trees is a good long-term solution. On the other hand, there are disasters like lightening or earthquake against which there is not much a man can do. No matter what type of disaster you face, you can always plan something to increase your chances of survival. As far as earthquakes are concerned, people all over the world are told to calmly leave the building they are in when the quake strikes. In case of damage, people are encouraged and taught to help pull out other people from the debris.

On a larger scale, buildings can be constructed in a way that ensures they are less likely to collapse during an earthquake. In Japan for instance, there are shock absorbers installed at the base of the buildings which enables the building to move with the earthquake and prevents collapse. Floods and landslides are hard to avoid. However, to protect against them, measures can be taken on a government level.

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